Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Hello! I have decided to create a new journal!  It will hopefully help those wives with husbands in prison.  It will also address anyone with a loved one in prison. I will talk about certain issues that are important for those loved ones of prisoners........There is a "need" for something like this in our society.  A place that people can come to, and open up their heart and soul.  You are not alone!..With close to 2 million people in prisons in our country, just imagine how many loved ones are out there! I hear your cries ...and see the many tears you shed..through many of your e-mails you have sent me, through my other journal, "Reflections of a prison wife,"  I have seen and heard a lot of your pain..Is our country aware of this?  We may hear the term, "Prison Reform,"  but I don't think we ever hear the term, "Rights for the wives of prisoners, and loved ones of prisoners." The reformation of the prisoner, starts within the family syatem.  Yes, we are a big part of their rehabilatation process. It actually starts with us!And if we are so important, we must at least have a few rights.  I mean, I'm talking about something as simple as being notified by the prison system, as to which prison your husband was sent to! To me, something as simple as that would be common courtesy, if nothing else! So now, I have decided to go one step further. In this journal I will talk about, and address so many issues that are of the utmost importance to us. I think most of us are tired of bein pushed around, and having no rights, as a loved one of a prisoner.  and as a wife of a prisoner it is even worse. Did you know that Great Britain has an extensive network to help the families of prisoners?  It is simply a support network, that is so important, and needed within the USA, too. "Been there , done that!"  My husband's been within the prisn system for the past 2 years.  And so, I am a "PrisonWife."  That is my title!  Stigmatized and shunned by society, even a widow can move on.  a "Prison wife," cannot.  She is a wife without a husband.  How does one go out into society, without a husband?  How does she proceed with some sort of social network? I would like to hear from the wives of prisoners, and other loved ones. Please leave a comment here, or e-mail me,   CRYSTAL MOON 222 @aol.com  Let me know just how you feel. I'm here to listen. And we can share our thoughts and feelings with others.  maybe then, the burden will somehow be a little less.  It is easier to bear your burdens when you share them with others. Please try to have a nice day  Remember...I'm thinking about you!   Fran



Anonymous said...

Fran... I bet you knew that I would find this and write to you so here it goes.. Well yes I think that me and Shawn have decided to take a break from our relationship and I am very upset about it...Anyone else who talks to you that you think i could get help from tell them to email me the adress is BombShikia069@aol.com

Anonymous said...

I really hope that you can reach a lot of people with this.  Good luck!  :)

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

hello I have a daughter in prision been there for over 4 years shes 22 and i go visit her with all the love i can give her for the 2 hour visit we havent had a xmas together for 4 yrs now it is so hard on me i hate to leave and dont want to stay wish i could bring her home with me for just one weekend but thats home to her for now and what a home never thought she had to be in a place where you better have your own toliet paper and it better be yours cause if its not [writeup] and drugs the biggest drug house is behind those walls if your not yourself it is time for med line if you are yourself something must be wrong with that picture hold onto your children for as long as you can because once there in prision they will make sure they hold on to them for you  health problems once they are 21 you cant find out nothing unless there dead iam a worried mom whom cant seem to let go and i refuse to belive its all for them to learn there lesson in life  life for sure if that is living i hope god will walk with them every step of the way

Anonymous said...

my daughtrrs husband went to prison/ i guess i never knew how she felt. now that i read some of your journly. i wish i would have gave her more comfront.i no now she was so lost an lonely. it messed up her world.  they have 3girls.7 8 12 .hes out now after 3years. thay couldnt pick up the peaces an move on.

Anonymous said...

Clark county jail in Vancouver Washington employs the most condescending and robotic , unfeeling sherrifs who take pleasure in demeaning and humiliating wives and freinds of inmates who are denied their rights ( human rights )on a daily basis.
I am apalled by their attitude and have yet to find a lawyer or an organization who will listen to me and who they consider  to be the dregs of society because they are conected to person inside.I have so much to say on this subject .

Anonymous said...

I am a prison wife. I'm excited to hear what other women who have succesfully made this work and move on. I would love to have a forum where we women can come together and share our experiences and help each other. My husband has been locked up for a year and has 4 more to go. Some days it is so hard I can't even explain, but you have said a lot of very true and good things. My email address is libellula1881@y ahoo.com if anyone would like to write to me I would appreciate it. Thanx. :)

Anonymous said...

hello my name is latosha  and i saw your message . i wanted you to know that my hubsand is in prison for 15 years and he did 6 already and we have started a worship group . i web site will be up and running soon ,my @754 214 53 35 women of rolatly supporting husband in prision we are in florida email mrsbright5905@aol.com

Anonymous said...

Ladies!  I understand and need your help.  Log on to www.jirafoundation.com.  There is no way that you can go through this situation and not know that you need God, first of all.  But this foundation has been develpoed just for you.  I am in Cleveland, Ohio.  The city with the most prisons of all, within the United States.  I am organizing a city wide forum, this coming fall, so that the voices of women of incarcerated men can be heard.  And I do mean every woman!  The wives who have been reduced to a one income household; the grandmothers who have become over worked babysitters; the sisters who have become food box queens; the daughters who have become professional critics of men; etc.

The phone number to the foundation is 216.240.5036.  Call to give general information about your needs and concerns so that we can be a support to each other.  This is not about putting your business out, its more about knowing that we are not alone and that we are the only ones that understand the devistation that happens to "OUR" lives, after our men are gone.

Look forward to speaking with you.


Anonymous said...

HI, My name is Nikki and I am, well you can say Im a prison Girlfriend. My boyfriend has been in and out of the prison system for years. I met him back when I was only sixteen years old. He went to prison for 8 months then but me being in the foster care system I could not be there when he came home. Now after 7 years we have reunited. The only thing is that he is doing a 4 year bid. I love this man with all my heart and soal, and I want to be with him. I am trying everyday not to give up on him. It is hard though because my family does not accept the fact I want to be with a man behind bars. I struggle everyday with the comments my family says to me about him. Its so much negativity and sometimes I just brush it off, but sometimes it really makes me want to say forget him. How do I cope with him being gone when there so much negativity coming to me about being with him?

Anonymous said...

My H has been in a correctional facility for 3 months and has 9 more months to go.
we have 2 young children and I can barely keep the roof over their heads. he was the main bread winner and we had/have no back up resources. I am going thru so much, the loss of my H, the struggle to pay bills, the lonliness of the holidays, the people who just dont understand why we stand by them and foreclosure creeping up on us.
Its so sad that the children become the victims in all this.
I would love to have a forum or chat room to vent.

Anonymous said...

i live in booneville ms and my husband is in prison for two years.everything you said is so true about being treated as we're nothing.its like they think the wives need to be in prison with our husbands.i didn't know when he was sent for classification,i didn't know what facility he was being sent to,or anything.my husband had to call me and give me information.i have to drive two hours and fifty minutes to see him for three hours of visitation and out of those three hours we only get one hour for conjugal visit.we were apart for six months with no physical contact and now we get two hours per month wow.it is so hard dealing with our situation and i have so much to say.

Anonymous said...

this isa wonderfuljournal and i really am inspired by your story as i am currently married to a man in a ga. correctional facility, it is often very difficult to wait on your partner.